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Mill Mountain Theatre would like to thank the generous gifts from our Donors. We would not be here without you!


Standing Ovations 2021
Gifts of $5,000 or more

The Honorable and Mrs. G. Steven Agee*

Anonymous gifts to Mill Mountain Theatre

Avis Construction Company, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Jason E. Bingham*

Boxley Materials Company

Community Foundation Serving Western Virginia

Davis H. Elliot Company, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Garbee*

Gentry Locke Attorneys

The Sam & Marion Golden Helping Hand Foundation, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Shields Jarrett*

The Louise R. Lester Foundation

Pinnacle Financial Partners

City of Roanoke Arts Commission

Roanoke CARES Act Grant

The Honorable and Mrs. Frank W. Rogers, III*

U.S. Small Business Administration

Virginia Commission for the Arts

Producers 2021
Gifts of $2,500 to $4,999

BB&T Wealth

Blue Ridge Beverage Company

Brandon Oaks Retirement Community

Center in the Square

Ms. Anne Gordon Downing

The Dunkenberger-Waskey-Nash Group at Morgan Stanley

Ms. Lauren Ellerman*

Ms. Sarah Copenhaver and Mr. G. Franklin Flippin, Esq.

Horace G. Fralin Charitable Trust

Mr. & Mrs. J. Spencer Frantz

The Glebe

Dr. Robyn Hakanson and Mr. Erik Moledor*

The Huntly Foundation

Jewell Machinery

Dr. Anthony-Samuel LaMantia Ph.D.*

Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Lawrence*

MaryJean and John Levin

Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds G. Lynch lll*

W. E. McGuire Charitable Foundation, Inc.

Member One Federal Credit Union

The Roanoke

Rutherfoord, a Marsh & McLennan Agency

Skyline National Bank

Mr. and Mrs. Joel Tenzer*

Stars 2021
Gifts of $1,000 to $2,449

Anstey Hodge Advertising Group

Mr. and Mrs. John T. Avis*

Mr. John D. Batzel

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Berenbaum

Dr. Nathaniel L. Bishop*

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Brock, Jr.

Business Solutions, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. George B. Cartledge, Jr.

Claytor / Wirt Associates

The Convergence Group at Morgan Stanley Wealth Management

Mr. and Mrs. Warner Dalhouse

Dixon, Hubard, Feinour, & Brown Inc.

Entre Computer Center

First Citizens Bank & Trust Co.

5 Points Creative

Freedom First Federal Credit Union

Friendship Foundation

Frith, Anderson + Peake, P.C.

GE Foundation

Ms. Nancy O. Gray and Mr. David N. Maxson*

Mr. and Mrs. John Higginbotham

Howell's Motor Freight, Inc.

Innovative Insurance Group

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Janoschka*

Jewell Machinery

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Jones, Jr.

Mr. George A. Kegley

Kiwanis Club of Roanoke

CP & MG Lunsford Charitable Trust

Lunsford, A Trustpoint Company

Mr. and Mrs. Phillip McKeage*

Miller, Long & Associates, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Norris*

Oakey's Funeral Service & Crematory

Ms. Yvonne Olson

Mr. & Mrs. J. Lee Osborne*

Ms. Nancy R. Patterson*

Roanoke Gas Company - RGC Resources, Inc.

City of Salem

Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Smith*

Southeastern Theatre Conference

Mr. and Mrs. Steven S. Strauss

Ms. Lesleigh B. Strauss

Sun Tan City

Dr. and Mrs. John T. Tielking

Wabtec Graham-White

Mr. Charles J. Wehrmeister*

Maxwell and Patricia Wiegard*

Mr. and Mrs. Barton J. Wilner

Mrs. Mary Meade G. Winn

Woods Rogers PLC

Leading Roles 2021
Gifts of $500 to $999

Mr. and Mrs. David K. Allen*

Reverend and Mrs. George C. Anderson*

Ms. Karen Beldegreen

Mr. and Mrs. W. Chan Bolling*

Mr. and Mrs. J. Keith Bown

Mr. and Mrs. Jerry W. Cheadle

Elizabeth Chilton & Bryan Collier

Dr. and Mrs. Robert T. Copenhaver

Mr. & Mrs. Grimes W. Creasy

Dr. and Mrs. Antonio T. Donato

Mr. and Mr. Scott Fauber

Dr. and Mrs. Michael Friedlander

Mr. William Gale

Dr. and Mrs. Charles D. Gilliland

Ms. Mary Grekila

Ms. Jennifer Jamison

Mr. Mitchell Kaneff

Dr. and Mrs. David A. Kinsler

Mr. Laurence Kufel*

Dr. and Mrs. Lee Learman

Mr. and Mrs. William L. Lee*

Dr. and Mrs. Neil A. MacDonald

Ms. Martha L. Martin

Ms. Nancy Mastry

Dr. Suzan R. and Dr. John R. Merten

The Newbern Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Nordt, III*

Dr. Sue and Dr. Michael S. Nussbaum

P1 Technologies, Inc.

Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey A. Perry

Capt. and Mrs. Gary S. Powers*

Dr. Randall R. Rhea

Mr. and Mrs. Rick Riegodedios

Roanoke Valley Orthodontics

Mr. and Dr. John G. Rocovich, Jr.*

Rutherfoord, a Marsh & McLennan Agency

Dr. and Mrs. Donald G. Smith, Jr.

Ms. Leigh Strelka

Ms. Brittany Turman

Mr. and Mrs. Damon W. White

Scene Stealers 2021
Gifts of $1 to $249

Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Addison

Ms. Katherine Allamong

Mr. Ernest Allred

AmazonSmile Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Briggs W. Andrews

ARD Properties LLC

Ms. Rhonda Arsenault

Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Ashwell

Mr. and Ms. Mike Austin

Mr. & Mrs. J. Duke Baldridge, III

E R Bane Trust

Ms. Nancy Barbour

Mr. Ronald Barrett

Dr. and Mrs. Vincent T. Basile

Kelly Bayer Derrick

Ms. Kathy Bibb

Mr. William Biddy

Ms. Shirley J. Biggs

Ms. Mary H. Bivens

Ms. Jacqueline Bledsoe

Ms. Cynthia Blevins

Mr. and Mrs. Alan Bloch

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Bocock

Dr. and Mrs. John Bouldin

Mr. Alexander Bowman, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald H. Bristol, II

Mr. and Mrs. Carter Brothers*

Ms. Blanche Brower

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Brown

Ms. Mary K. Brown

Mr. Nicholas Burakow

Ms. HelenRuth Burch

Ms. Helen A. Burnett

Ms. Kristen Bush

Ms. Catherine Bush

Teri Byers

Mr. and Mrs. Louis K Campbell

Mr. and Mrs. John P. Carlin

Mr. Randi Carpenter

Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Carroll

Mr. and Mrs. R. Daniel Carson, Jr.

Mr. Robert Cassell

Mrs. Anne-Marie Castanho

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Cates

Ms. Lori Cauley*

Mrs. Marian Chappelle

Mr. and Mrs. Brian Chisom

Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Chudina

Ms. Vickie Clarke

Mr. & Mrs. W. R. Clemmer, Jr.

Carl E. Coleman Family Trust

Mr. Randy Conklin

Mr. and Mrs. Chip Conway, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. James G. Cosby

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Cribbs

Ms. Melanie Crovo

Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Currin

Ms. Judith S. Curtis

Ms. Ruth Sommer Dailey

Mr. Edward D'Alessandro

Ms. Alice Davis

Seth Davis

Ms. Michelle Davis

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel D. Dean

Ms. Myrona DeLaney

Mr. and Mrs. James Devens

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence B. Dickenson

Dr. & Mrs. F. Randolph Dickey

Dr. and Mrs. F. Joseph Duckwall

Dr. Elizabeth H. Duckworth and Mr. John M. Duckworth

Ms. Jeanne M. Duddy

Mr. and Mrs. Wade J. Dunford

Ms. Dorothy Earner

Ms. Patricia Ebbett

Ms. Carlyn Ebert

Mr. Charles L. Echols Jr.

Mr. Paul A. Economy

Ms. Barbara T. Epperly

J.D. and G.W. Eure

Mr. and Mrs. Gregory W. Feldmann

Mr. and Mrs. Raphael E. Ferris

Ms. Victoria Ferris

Mr. Robert H. Fetzer

Mr. and Mrs. Gary Fifer

Mr. and Mrs. Broaddus C. Fitzpatrick

Mr. Thomas F. Fitzpatrick

Ms. Cyndi Fletcher

Ms. Lisa Fort

Ms. Jennifer Fraley

Ms. Carol L. Fralin

Mr. and Mrs. John T. Frary

Mr. and Mrs. Gregory L. Freeman


Mrs. Sherry Fuller

FR. Samuel J. Gantt, III

Ms. Amy Geddes

Mr. & Mrs. W. Fred Genheimer, III

Ms. Martha Gierchak

Ms. Carol F. Goad

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Goldstein

Mr. Francisco Gonzalez

Ms. Katrina Goode and Mr. Robert Skelton

Ms. Megan Goodwin

Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. Gordon

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Greear

Ms. Meg Griffith

Mr. Scott Guebert

Dr. and Mrs. Frank Guilfoyle

Ms. Katherine Hailey

Ms. Hannah P. Hale

Ms. Carrol Hall

Mr. Jack Halpin

Ms. Rebecca L. Harriett

Ms. Thelma T. Haynesworth*

Mr. & Mrs. Eddie F. Hearp

Mr. and Mrs. Scott Hengerer

Ms. Donna Henretty

Ms. Celeste H. Hicks

Mr. and Mrs. Frank F. Hill, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. JB Hodgson

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Hoff

Mr. Richard Hoffman

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Holdgreve

Ms Lisa Kazmierczak

Ms. Donna B Horak

Ms. Mary Hubbard

Mr. and Mrs. Dean D. Humbert

Ms. Carin Hunt

Dr. David Hunt and Mrs. Ellen Aiken

Ms. Phyllis K. Irvine

Ms. Deborah Isemann

Marcia and Lewis Johnson

Mr. and Mrs. Pegram Johnson, III

Drs. James and Janet Johnson

Mr. and Mrs. Fulton C. Johnson

Ms. Erma L. Jones

Ms. Doris Jordan

Christine Jordan

Mrs. Ann M. Journell

Mr. Lars Keeley

Bobi Keenan

Mr. and Mrs. William K. Keesee

Mr. Matthew Kelley

Mr. and Mrs. Herman D. Kemp, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Kendrick

Ms. Dianne Kepley

Ms. Victoria Kessler

Mary Kidd and Kelli Cooper

Sara King

Ms. Annette S. Kirby

Mr. and Mrs. Alton L. Knighton, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey H. Krasnow

Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Kreger

The Kroger Company

Mr. Frank Kuhn

Dr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Kunkle

Mr. Richard Kurshan

Mr. Jeffrey Lamirand

Mrs. Susan P. Lancaster

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Laughon

Mr. Terry Lauver

Ms. Jenny Lee

Ms. Christine Lee

Todd and Whitney Leeson

Stephanie Schmitz and Brian Lewis

Ms. Sue Lindsey

Ms. Julie Lord

Mr. and Mrs. Melvin V. Ludovici

Mr. and Mrs. Kirk A. Ludwig

Ms. Tara A. Marciniak

Mr. Gene H. Marrano

Ms. Margaret Marrtin

Dr. Elizabeth Rice Martin and Mr. Eddie Martin

Mrs. Marjorie Mastin

Dr. James D. Matthews and Mr. Joe Cobb

Mr. Lee B. McBride and Ms. Katherine M. Rakes

Mr. Gary McClellanDr. and Mrs. Maston R. McCorkle, Jr.

Ms. Lynda McGarry

Ms. Brittny McGraw

Ms. Patricia McMican

Mr. and Mrs. John D. McMillen

Ms. June L. McNiel

Ms. Constance MetzPaul and Robert Metz

Mrs. Lynn Meyer

Mr. Edward Miskie

Mr David P Mitchell Jr

Ms. Cara E. Modisett

Mr. and Mrs. David Moledor

Ms. Payton Moledor

RaeKwon Moore

Ms. Sharon Moran

Dr. and Mrs. John E. Morgan

Rebecca and Leslie Morrissett

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond W. Mortara

Mr. and Mrs. David Mortlock

Mr. and Mrs. Allan Mower

Mr. & Mrs. G. Marshall Mundy

Ms. Leisa Mundy

Ms. Bethany Murphy

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Myers

Kenneth Nagele

Ms. Rhonda Neely

Ms. Amanda Nelson

Network For Good

Mr. and Mrs. John Nicklo

Dr. and Mrs. James R. Niederlehner

Mr. and Mrs. William B. Nunnally, Jr.

Amanda O'dell

Mrs. Phyllis A. Olin

Ms. Sarah Orrick

Ms. Mary W. Osgood

Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Oshida

Mr. Jeffrey Pasciak

Ms. Christal Pearson

Ms. Janna Perry

Mr. Timothy Pickering

Mr. William A Pilat

Ms. Karen Pillis

Dr. and Mrs. Jackson L. Pittman*

Ms. Sue Porterfield

Mr. and Mrs. William Powell Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pratt

Ms. Lila Reddan

Dr. and Mrs. Wayne G. Reilly

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Richardson

Mr. Daniel Robb

Mr. and Mrs. Alan E. Ronk

Ms. Kaitlyn Rosin

Mr. and Mrs. Truman J. Ross, Jr.

Ms. Janet Ross

Mr. Carl Milton Rowan

Mr. James Royalty

Mr. and Mrs. William B. Russell Sr.

Ms. Darla Salin

Dr. and Mrs. Robert H. Sandel

Ms. Jenny Saxton

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Schaffer

Mr. Michael Schmitt and Mr. George Getz*

Mr. and Mrs. Harry N. Schwarz

Ms. Penny Schwarz

Ms. Judith Scott

Mr. Paul R. Scott

Mr. James Sehen

Mr. and Mrs. James W. Selvey

Mr. James W. Settle

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick N. Shaffner

Mr. and Mrs. James D. Sheahan

Mr. and Mrs. Barry L. Shelor

Ms. Susan Shullman

Mr. and Mrs. William H. Slawson

Mrs. Gene H. Smallwood

Ms. Kylene Smith

Ms. Janna E. Snyder

Ms. Harriet W. Stanley

Ms. Patricia L. Stanley

Dr. John W. Steffe and Dr. Lee Anne Steffe

Ms. Gari D. Stephenson

Mr. and Mrs. Bruce C. Stockburger, Esq.

Mr. Steven Sutphen and Ms. Yvonne Clark

Mr. Mark G. Swope

Mr. and Mrs. William B. Symonds

Mr. and Mrs. Julian Taylor

Alexandra F. Thacker

Ms. Betsy Thomas

Ms. Martha Thompson

Ms. Paula P. Thompson

Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Thorell, Jr.

Ms. Barbara Thurman

Ms. Anne T. Tiffany

Mrs. Veronica Tingle

Will Trinkle and Juan Granados*

Ms. Patricia Tryal

Ms. Vicki L. Tuke

Ms. Ann Penny Tully

Ms. Sheila Umberger

Ms. Yvette Van Hise

Ms. Julia VanderVeen

Mr. and Mrs. Zachary Vernon

Ms. Karen Vietmeier

Ms. Susan Wade

Ms. Donna Walker

Ms. Jennifer Waller

Mr. & Mrs. J. Robert Walton

Mr. and Mrs. Lilburn E. Ward, III

Ms. Betty Gill Ware

Mr. Robert Warren

Hugh and Jaye Harvey Wellons

Ms. Virginia West

Ms. Lois West

Mr. and Mrs. James Whitney

Mrs. Pamela H. Wiegandt

Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Wiegard

Mr. Jeffrey N. Williams

Mr. Adam Williams

Mr. and Mrs. James Williamson, III

Robin Williamson

Mr. and Mrs. J. David Wine

Mr. and Mrs. Barry E. Wirt, Sr.

Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Witt

Ms. Gidget Woodward

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wright

Ms. Lynn Yates

VIPs 2021
Gifts of $250 to $499

Mrs. Lynn D. Avis

Mr. and Mrs. Steve Barber

Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Brailsford

Ms. Janet Byrne

Ms. Dorothy S. Clifton

Mr. and Mrs. W. Patton Coles, IV*

Mr. & Mrs. H. Lawrence Davidson

Ms. Elizabeth G. Deisher

The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. David Dixon, III

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Eckert

Kelly T. Farber

Mr. and Mrs. Mike Fitzpatrick

Mrs. Marianne E. Gandee

Mr. and Mrs. Harford W. Gardner

Mr. & Mrs. J. Randolph Garrett, III

GE Foundation

The Honorable and Mrs. Robert W. Goodlatte

Mr. and Mrs. Keith Haley

Donna Hancock

Dr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Harrington

Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Harvey

Mr. H. Brent Stevens & Ms. Jill Hufnagel

Mr. and Mrs. John Jackson

Mr. and Mrs. William H. Jernigan Jr.

Robyn and David Johnsen

Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies

Mr. and Mrs. James F. Johnson

Mr. Talfourd H. Kemper

Souha Khawam

Anna and Tom Lawson

Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lionberger, III

Dr. and Mrs. George Luedke

Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Machado

Mr. Russell Macmullan

Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Meidlinger

John T. Morgan Roofing Sheet Metal Co., Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Mullen, Jr.

Ms. Leisa Mundy

The Muse Family Foundation

Ms. Amanda Nelson

Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Nordt, Sr.

Mr. and Mrs. Mike O'Brochta

Dr. and Mrs. Ronald B. Overstreet

Mr. amd Mrs. Cyrus Pace

Mr. and Mrs. John Powell

Mrs. B. J. Preas*

Mr. William Rakes and Mrs. Carolyn Warner Rakes

Mr. and Mrs. Theodore H. Ritter

Ms. Ellen Servidea

Ms. Katherine Shaver

Dr. and Mrs. Bertram Spetzler

Ms. Harriet W. Stanley

Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Swanson

Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Timmermann

Mr. and Mrs. Raphael M. Traen

Mr. and Mrs. John P. Whittle

Mr. & Mrs. W. Lee Wilhelm, III

Mr. and Mrs. Scott W. Winter

Meet Our Donors


Mill Mountain Theatre is honored to acknowledge gifts made in tribute or memory of special friends. To make such a gift please contact John Levin at (540) 342-5761 or


In honor of Nancy Agee and on her birthday by Dr. Nathaniel L. Bishop

In honor of the Rev. George Anderson by Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Kreger

In honor of Ginger Poole Avis by Mr. and Mrs. J. Duke Baldridge, III and by Mr. and Mrs. Bruce C. Stockburger, Esq.

In honor of Suzanne Avis and of Jack and Ginger Avis by Mrs. B. J. Preas

In honor of Tom and Irene Brock by Dr. and Mrs. John E.Morgan

In memory of Mervin Brower by Ms. Blanche Brower

In honor of Christopher Castanho by Ms. June L. McNiel

In memory of John M. Chaney by Mrs. Betty Gill Ware

In honor of Jim and Kat Hakanson by Robyn Hakanson

In honor of Kenny Holley by Ms. Gidget Woodward

In memory of Willeyne McCune Clemens and Dorothy Meyer Hannaford by Nancy Ruth Patterson

In memory of Timothy A. Kelly by Mrs. Dorothy S. Clifton, Talfourd H. Kemper, Linda and Charles Lunsford, W. David McCoy, Sydney and Paul Nordt, Mr. and Mrs. William N. Powell, Mary and James Robertson, The Barton J. and Jacqueline B. Wilner Family Fund

In honor of Charles and Juliana Meidlinger by Mary Grekila

In honor of David and Edna Moledor by Robyn Hakanson

In honor of Nick and Cathy Powell by Mr. and Mrs. William Powell, Jr.

In honor of B. J. Preas by Jane Cheadle

In memory of Katy Reed by Ms. Darla Sain

In memory of Thomas M. Robertson, Jr., by Mr. and Mrs. Barry E. Wirt, Sr.

In honor of Maury Lee Strauss by Lesleigh B. Strauss

Our Tributes


Timothy Booth



Drew D'Alessandro



Calan Johnson



Will McLoney


Scut Farkus

Eve McLoney



Belle McNamara


Esther Jane

Emily Mower



Griffin Shaver


Jr. Associate Director/ Male Swing

Jack Swank



Julia VanderVeen



Kayla Ryan Walsh


Miss Shields

Scott Watson


Old Man

There are currently no performers to showcase.


1940s in Hohman, Indiana

Songs & Scenes

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Production Staff

Ginger Poole*
Production Stage Manager
Bill Muñoz*
Assistant Stage Manager
Kailey Absher*
Junior Associate Director
Griffin Shaver
Lights & Sound Designer
Savannah Woodruff
Technical Director/Production Manager
Matt Shields
Wardrobe Head
Jason Viers
Casting Director
Ginger Poole*
Fight Choreography
Bill Muñoz
Props/Set Dressing
Matt Shields Ginger Poole
Run Crew
Trenten Woods‍ Erin Markham
Hair Stylist for Randy Parker
Travis Viars
Spot Operator
Merlin Frazier
Digital Advertising
Ian Ridgway
Digital Program
Marquee Digital
Ground Up Photography
Production Videographer
Richard Maddox
House Managers
Tom Fitzpatrick‍ Becky Gay‍ Leonela Hernandez‍ Richard Maddox‍ Larry Kufel‍ Jeff Taback‍ Tiffany Waters
Parent Volunteers
Bernadette D'Alessandro‍ Adam Johnson‍ Whitney Johnson‍ Amber McLoney‍ Eric McLoney‍ Rob McNamara‍ Alexa Mower‍ Allan Mower‍ Katherine Shaver‍ Lauren Swank

Venue Staff

School Administration Staff

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Board of Directors


Macel H. Janoschka

Vice President

J. Lee E. Osborne


Lori D. Cauley


Nathaniel L. Bishop

Board Members

David K. Allen Lauren Ellerman Linda Garbee Nancy O. Gray Dr. Robyn Hakanson Laurence E. Kufel Dr. Anthony-Samuel LaMantia Cynthia Lawrence William L. Lee Reynolds Lynch III Dr. Elizabeth Rice Martin Laura McKeage Nancy Ruth Patterson Gary S. Powers Doris Rogers Edward M. Smith Judy Tenzer Will Trinkle Maxwell Huddleston Wiegard

Student Advisory Board


Lighting equipment from PRG Lighting, sound equipment from Sound Associates, rehearsed at The Public Theater’s Rehearsal Studios. Developed as part of Irons in the Fire at Fault Line Theatre in New York City.

Special Thanks

  • Rob Bessolo from Roanoke College
  • Nicole Fegan
  • Bud Grey at Carilion Wellness
  • Addie Pawlick
  • Travis Viars at Meredith's Salon

*Appearing through an Agreement between this theatre and Actors’ Equity Association, the Union of Professional Actors and Stage Managers in the United States.

Actors’ Equity Association (“Equity”), founded in 1913, is the U.S. labor union that represents more than 51,000 actors and stage managers, Equity fosters the art of live theatre as an essential component of society and advances the careers of its members by negotiating wages, improving working conditions and providing a wide range of benefits, including health and pension plans. Actors’ Equity is a member of the AFL-CIO and is affiliated with FIA, an International organization of performing arts unions.

United Scenic Artists ● Local USA 829 of the I.A.T.S.E represents the Designers & Scenic Artists for the American Theatre

ATPAM, the Association of Theatrical Press Agents & Managers (IATSE Local 18032), represents the Press Agents, Company Managers, and Theatre Managers employed on this production.

A Message from Ginger Poole

We are so grateful for the opportunity to welcome back our audiences to Mill Mountain Theatre for this jolly show and celebration of live theatre with this classic holiday movie adaptation. A CHRISTMAS STORY was chosen for our audiences and their overwhelming support during our 2017 production and to also celebrate the little Ralphie in all of us. We thank you for spending your holidays with Mill Mountain Theatre as we close out our 2021 Season. We cannot wait for you to #MeetMeAtMillMountain in 2022.

Please help us spread the word that MMT and live theatre are back!  Let’s Celebrate!

In 2022, we are applauding YOU! Individual and season tickets are available online at and at the box office, today!


Welcome Back!

Ginger Poole
Producing Artistic Director
Mill Mountain Theatre


Meet the Cast

Timothy Booth



Timothy is extremely happy to reprise his role from the 2017 production of A Christmas Story which brought him back to Mill Mountain after a lengthy 26-year hiatus. Since 2017 MMT audiences have seen him in Mamma Mia as Sam Carmichel and the Captain in The Sound Of Music. Prior to his return, he was seen in Jesus Christ Superstar, Me And My Girl and Tomfoolery at MMT. He was also a cast member in the National Tour and Broadway companies of Mamma Mia for nearly ten years. Notable shows are: Atticus in To Kill A Mockingbird, California Suite, London Suite, It’s Only A Play, and Disney Cruise Line’s Aladdin, Believe and Villains Tonight! He’s toured nationally and internationally, been seen on TV and in numerous commercials. Tim is truly happy to be back in Roanoke and working with the incomparable Mill Mt. Theatre family. Member Actors’ Equity since 1991.

Drew D'Alessandro



Drew is very excited to be part of A Christmas Story and to once again perform on the Trinkle stage with Mill Mountain Theatre. He most recently worked with Virginia Children’s Theatre on The Addams Family New Musical as Pugsley Addams, The Wizard of Oz Staged Concert as a Lollipop Guild Munchkin, as well as, Mary Poppins Jr. as Michael Banks. Drew is in the 6th grade at CSMS and his favorite subject is math. When he is not on the stage you can usually find Drew singing or dancing around. Somehow he has also found the time to earn a First Degree Senior Black Belt in Taekwondo in his spare time. Drew would like to thank everyone for coming and hopes you enjoy the show!

Calan Johnson



Calan Johnson is honored to be a part of A Christmas Story in this iconic role of a lifetime.  Playing Ralphie is a dream come true!  Favorite past credits include: Addam’s Family (Pugsley), Matilda (Eric), You’re A Good Man Charlie Brown (Woodstock) at VCT and Disney’s Little Mermaid Jr (Seahorse) at MMT.  Calan is a 6th grader at James Madison Middle School and loves all things involving theatre and Broadway.  You can see Calan in James Madison Middle’s production of Matilda Jr. as Bruce this March. Special thanks to his family, friends, teachers and everyone at Mill Mountain Theatre for this incredible experience.

Eve McLoney



Eve McLoney is thrilled to make her MMT Trinkle Mainstage debut in A Christmas Story! Eve is in 4th grade at Clearbrook Elementary School. She couldn’t wait to join her brother in his theatre classes and started studying at age 5. She loves taking classes at MMT including Elementary Acting and Musical Theatre. Past credits include Mary Poppins Jr., Gretl Von Trapp (The Sound of Music), and Jill (Babes in Toyland). When home, Eve spends her time playing the piano, singing and working on art. She enjoys swimming and playing soccer. Eve is so grateful for this opportunity. She would like to thank her teachers at MMT including Victoria, and her parents for encouraging her to chase her dreams.

Will McLoney


Scut Farkus

Will McLoney is honored to make his MMT Trinkle Mainstage debut in A Christmas Story! Will is in 7th grade at Cave Spring Middle School. He has enjoyed a variety of classes at MMT since Fall 2020, including Acting Conservatory and Godspell Production Camp. Past roles include Munchkin Barrister (OZ), George Banks (Mary Poppins Jr.), Friedrich Von Trapp (The Sound of Music), and Little Boy Blue (Babes in Toyland). He plays piano, trumpet, French horn and loves singing. Will also enjoys playing soccer, swimming, and Scouting. Will is very grateful to MMT for this opportunity and would like to thank his teachers at MMT, Michelle Cha his voice and acting coach, and his family for their love and support.

Belle McNamara


Esther Jane

Belle McNamara is a fourth-grader at North Cross School. Belle has always loved theatre and has been performing since she was very little. She has been honored to be a part of Virginia Children’s Theatre’s The Little Mermaid, Jr., Songs of the Past, Into the Woods, Jr., and most recently, Oz: A Staged Concert. Belle is absolutely tickled to be starring as Esther Jane in A Christmas Story with Mill Mountain Theatre. “I love being a part of the show. It makes me feel great, and, what really amazes me is how the show makes the audience feel. I love sharing what my cast and I have created together!” Thank you MMT for this opportunity- a dream come true for me!

Emily Mower



Emily is so excited to be back on stage this holiday season! She is currently a sixth grader at Roanoke Catholic School. Past credits include The Little Mermaid Jr (Sea Creature), Annie (Molly), and Matilda (Alice). In her spare time she enjoys drawing and horseback riding. She would like to thank Payton and Ginger for this wonderful opportunity and much love to my Mom and Dad for all their support! Happy Holidays! Enjoy the show!!

Griffin Shaver


Jr. Associate Director/ Male Swing

Griffin Shaver is an 8th grader at Hidden Valley Middle, who has been involved with theatre since he was seven. He enjoys cracking jokes with his mom, reading and discussing comic books and movies with his dad, and playing the French horn in HVMS’s band. He loves to cook, write, and watch TV. Some of his favorite credits include: The Boy in The Velveteen Rabbit (2016), Kurt in The Sound of Music (2019), and Young Shrek/Baby Bear in Shrek: The Musical (2018), and Schwartz in A Christmas Story in 2017. He is super excited to return as the Assistant Director in this year's winter production! Griffin would like to thank his family, friends, and the amazing staff at MMT.

Jack Swank



Jack Swank is a fifth grader at Oak Grove Elementary. He was most recently seen as theMunchkin Mayor in Oz: A Staged Concert. His favorite roles with the Virginia Children’sTheatre have been Iago (Aladdin Jr.), Flounder (Songs of the Past), and Bob the Builder (TheVelveteen Rabbit). He also starred in his first film, Omega and Sparks, a Grandin Film LabProduction. In his spare time, he enjoys playing classic rock songs on his guitar. He also loves to play baseball and spending time at the lake, swimming and kneeboarding. Jack would like to thank Mill Mountain Theatre for giving him this opportunity and he triple dog dares you to enjoy the show!

Julia VanderVeen



Julia VanderVeen is beyond thrilled to be back at Mill Mountain to get to play with this fabulous cast again! She has traveled a lot of the world performing, from Alaska to the Mediterranean and many places in between. Favorite roles include Prudy Pingleton in Hairspray, Annelle in Steel Magnolias, and Honey in Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? Julia is also in the process of remounting her one woman comedy show entitled My Grandmother's Eyepatch. She gives a huge thank you to Ginger and the entire team at Mill Mountain for their continued support and hard work for the arts, and a huge thank you to YOU for being here! We can't wait to tell this story for you.

Kayla Ryan Walsh


Miss Shields

Kayla is thrilled to return to MMT this holiday season, having last been seen in The Sound of Music. Favorite credits include: The Pilot (Grounded), The Narrator (Fly By Night), The Baker’s Wife (Into the Woods), Poppy (Noises Off) and Bottom (A Midsummer Night’s Dream) to name a few. Kayla is an actor based out of NYC and received a Fulbright Scholarship to study Shakespeare at The Globe in London, as well as was an Acting Apprentice at The Shakespeare Theatre of New Jersey. Go to or @kaylaryanwalsh for more! Happy holidays!

Scott Watson


Old Man

Scott is delighted to return to the stage for the sixth time at one of his favorite theatrical homes, Mill Mountain! Thank you to Ginger and the rest of this hard-working, passionate, and fearless team of artists who have weathered an unprecedented storm and made live performances at Mill Mountain possible again. Previous shows at Mill Mountain: Mamma Mia!,  A Christmas Story, The Christians, Putnam County Spelling Bee, The Odd Couple.  Off-Broadway: Drunk Shakespeare (Brass Jar Prod), Taming of the Shrew & Henry V (New York Classical Theatre), Going Once, Laughing Twice (St Luke’s Theatre) Regional: Othello, Much Ado About Nothing (Hudson Valley Shakespeare Festival), Twelfth Night, Hamlet, Two Gentlemen of Verona, Midsummer Night’s Dream (Shakespeare on the Sound) Julius Caesar (Teatro Delle Due, prod in Italy.)  Other Credits: Scott can be spotted in many national commercials, including campaigns for Ray-Ban, Billie, Bluehost, Morgan Stanley, Zenni, Hopper, the NFL and more. Much love to his family, Amanda, and his lazy bunny Dali. BA Grand Valley State University, MI

Meet the Team

Ginger Poole


Director/Producing Artistic Director

Ginger Poole is a proud member of Actor’s Equity Association and an Associate member of the Stage Directors and Choreographers Union. She has studied, taught, choreographed, and performed throughout the U.S. She has worked in GA, HI, FL, MS, SC and VA with, Theatre in the Square, The Alliance City Series, Theatre Gael, Synchronicity Performance Group-GA, Mill Mountain Theatre-VA and SC Children’s Theatre. Originally from Atlanta, she has worked with the N.F.L. and The Atlanta Falcons as their director and choreographer and The Atlanta Opera. Prior to coming to Mill Mountain Theatre, she was based out of North Carolina where she has worked with Flat Rock Playhouse, the State Theatre of North Carolina, in over 25 productions. She was a part of the Education program at Flat Rock Playhouse for 5 years where she taught for their Apprentice Companies and their Conservatory Program in Acting, Dance, and Musical Theatre. Ginger has taught at The University of Southern Mississippi, Western Carolina University, William Carey College, Mississippi University for Women, and currently teaches at Hollins University. With Ginger’s strong background in dance she finds herself not only acting and dancing on stage but also directing the choreography and classroom skills for her students. Ginger holds her M.F.A. in Acting Performance from the University of Southern Mississippi and continues to teach acting and dance.  She has worked with students that range in age from kindergarten through professionals.

Ginger has worked in commercials, voice-overs, film, stage, and the classroom, and was profiled in the book FIRESTARTERS as “the actor”.

Ginger serves on the following Board of Directors: South Eastern Theatre Conference (SETC Secretary, Second Term), Junior League of the Roanoke Valley (Past President and Current Nominating Committee, Second Term), Burton Performing Arts Advisory Board, The Roanoke City Public Schools Education Foundation, and she has served on the Review Panel for theVirginia Commission for the Arts. She was the recipient of the DePaul’s Women of Achievement Award in the Arts in 2013 and was named the 2016 Kendig Award recipient for Individual Artist. Ginger is also a guest host with WSLS, the NBC affiliate, Daytime Blue Ridge television show, and is the host of the new Mill Mountain Theatre Podcast, Meet Me at Mill Mountain. She is very proud to be a member of the Mill Mountain Theatre team and looks forward to its continued growth, success, and artistic influence in the region.

Bill Webb


Lighting Design

Bill is thrilled to be returning to Mill Mountain Theatre as the Lighting Designer for Million Dollar Quartet.  Bill is a native of Alfred, NY, where he received his Bachelor of the Arts in Theatre from Alfred University in 1988.  He continued training at The University of North Carolina School of the Arts where he earned his Master of Fine Arts in Scenic Technology in 1994.  Since 1996 Bill has been on faculty at Elon University in North Carolina where he serves as the Lighting Designer/Production Manager for the Performing Arts Department. Bill has been designing lights at Mill Mountain since the MMT production of Swing in 2014 with 30  MMT Lighting design credits.  In addition to his work at Mill Mountain Theatre,  Bill has worked throughout the United States for companies such as Cirque Du Soliel, I Weiss, Bungalow Scenic Studios and  Arkansas Repertory Theatre.

Matt Shields


Technical Director & Props Designer

Matt Shields is a native of Virginia. Having grown up in Loudoun County, he first moved to the region in 2013 to attend school at Radford University where he graduated with a BS in theatre. After working for a few other companies, Matt is happy to call MMT his artistic home. In the past few years Matt has served in a variety of jobs around Mill Mountain, including Props Master, Costumes Manager, Teaching Artist, Scenic Designer, and Company Manager. Matt is very happy to now be serving MMT as the Production Manager and is grateful to MMT for all the faith they have put in him over the years.

Bill Muñoz


Production Stage Manager & Fight Choreographer
Fight Choreography

Bill Muñoz – Production Stage Manager Feeling so grateful to once again return to the ‘Noke! He was in rehearsals here in March of 2020 for Dream Girls, when everything shut down due to the pandemic. Words cannot be found to express the thrill to be back doing live theatre. Past productions at MMT, The Marvelous Wonderettes, A Christmas Story, Mamma Mia and The Sound of Music. Beginning at Flat Rock Playhouse, in Western NC, (30 seasons, over 130 productions) and working in theatres in the southeast, he has also worked as an Actor and Fight Choreographer. Thank you for supporting the Arts!

Jimmy Ray Ward


Scenic Designer

With an MFA in Design from UNC-Greensboro, his credits include work at many theatre companies along the East coast such as Spoleto Festival USA, Williamstown Theatre Festival, Seaside Music Theatre, Flatrock Playhouse, and the Gainesville Theatre Alliance.  Locally, Jimmy designs for Opera Roanoke, Roanoke Children's Theatre, and Mill Mountain Theatre, where he worked as resident designer for its last nine seasons.  Some favorite designs over the years include scenery for Il Trovatore, The Flying Dutchman, The Adventures of Frog and Toad, If You Give a Mouse a Cookie, Seussical, and Grease, costumes for Hamlet, Beauty and the Beast, Joseph…Technicolor Dreamcoat, and lighting for Driving Miss Daisy, Wit, and Rapunzel, among many others. Despite years of working in a field he loves, Jimmy feels that his best productions to date are his children, Henry and Lily, Gracie and Frank.

Kailey Absher


Assistant Stage Manager

Kailey Absher is so excited for live theatre to be back! She was seen most recently at Mill Mountain as Assistant Stage Manager for Million Dollar Quartet and Production Stage Manager for Tomás and the Library Lady. She is a Virginia native, growing up nearby in the New River Valley and is a 2020 graduate of Radford University. Kailey is a member of the Southeastern Theatre Conference as well as the Stage Managers’ Association.

Savannah Woodruff


Lead Electrician & Sound Engineer

Savannah Woodruff was born and raised in Southern Pines, North Carolina, where she was encouraged to become involved in technical theatre in high school. Savannah is a graduate of The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, and received a BFA in Technical Production. Prior to joining the Mill Mountain Theatre staff, she worked as a member of Weston Playhouse Theatre Company’s Intern Company. Savannah is grateful for the support of her family (and especially her cats) in her endeavors, and is thrilled to be able to continue working and growing with Mill Mountain Theatre.


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2021 National Touring Cast

Pre-Show Snack or
Post-Show Dinner?

Don’t let the evening end when the curtain comes down. With The Marquee Local, you can find the perfect place for a pre-show snack, an evening meal, or a post-show cocktail. Enjoy exclusive deals from our local partners as you catch up, discuss the show, and create memories to last a lifetime.

Grab a Bite
Pre-show or post-show, our local partners have your dining needs covered
Raise a Glass
Settle into that post-show glow with a stellar drink in hand

Grab a Bite


104 Kirk Ave SW

Located in the heart of the Blue Ridge Mountains in Roanoke, Virginia, Fortunato is the region's only traditional Italian kitchen & Neapolitan style pizzeria.


104 Kirk Ave SW

Located in the heart of the Blue Ridge Mountains in Roanoke, Virginia, Fortunato is the region's only traditional Italian kitchen & Neapolitan style pizzeria.

Marquee Deal!

Have a group ticket? Show your MMT Ticket stub to receive 10% off your meal! Valid for one-time use only at participating restaurants.


413 1st St SW

Casual dining on burgers, BBQ & other bar food in an open tavern setting with live music & a patio. ‍


413 1st St SW

Casual dining on burgers, BBQ & other bar food in an open tavern setting with live music & a patio. ‍

Marquee Deal!

The Pine Room

110 Shenandoah Ave NE

From the snack n' share options and hearth flatbreads to the farmland offerings and signature items, The Pine Room features American Rustic cuisine that presents simplistic, sustainable, and high-quality ingredients in an inviting presentation.

The Pine Room

110 Shenandoah Ave NE

From the snack n' share options and hearth flatbreads to the farmland offerings and signature items, The Pine Room features American Rustic cuisine that presents simplistic, sustainable, and high-quality ingredients in an inviting presentation.

Marquee Deal!

Have a group ticket? Show your MMT Ticket stub to receive 10% off your meal! Valid for one-time use only at participating restaurants.

The Regency Room

110 Shenandoah Ave NE

Enjoy dining al fresco! Spring is here and it's patio season! The Regency Room and The Pine Room Pub are the perfect place to enjoy dinner or drinks on the patio with spring in the air!

The Regency Room

110 Shenandoah Ave NE

Enjoy dining al fresco! Spring is here and it's patio season! The Regency Room and The Pine Room Pub are the perfect place to enjoy dinner or drinks on the patio with spring in the air!

Marquee Deal!

Have a group ticket? Show your MMT Ticket stub to receive 10% off your meal! Valid for one-time use only at participating restaurants.

Awful Arthur's‍

108 Campbell Ave SE

Modern tavern offering varied seafood, bar bites & a raw bar plus sports on TV & live music.

Awful Arthur's‍

108 Campbell Ave SE

Modern tavern offering varied seafood, bar bites & a raw bar plus sports on TV & live music.

Marquee Deal!

Corned Beef & Co‍

107 S Jefferson St

Sports bar serves sandwiches & pub grub in expansive digs equipped with pool tables & countless TVs.

Corned Beef & Co‍

107 S Jefferson St

Sports bar serves sandwiches & pub grub in expansive digs equipped with pool tables & countless TVs.

Marquee Deal!

Crescent City Bourbon and Barbecue

19 Salem Ave SE

The smoked meat is made with care and passion in a stick burner smoker and indoor wood burning smoker.

Crescent City Bourbon and Barbecue

19 Salem Ave SE

The smoked meat is made with care and passion in a stick burner smoker and indoor wood burning smoker.

Marquee Deal!

Jack Brown's Beer & Burger Joint

210B Market St SE

Bar chain serving creative burgers & a lengthy list of beers in a casual, funky space.

Jack Brown's Beer & Burger Joint

210B Market St SE

Bar chain serving creative burgers & a lengthy list of beers in a casual, funky space.

Marquee Deal!

Nawab Indian Cuisine

118A Campbell Ave SE

Indian classics & all-you-can-eat buffet lunches, served in a low-key traditional dining room.

Nawab Indian Cuisine

118A Campbell Ave SE

Indian classics & all-you-can-eat buffet lunches, served in a low-key traditional dining room.

Marquee Deal!


214 Market St SE

Casual Japanese restaurant offering a large sushi menu, plus maki, traditional entrees & bento.


214 Market St SE

Casual Japanese restaurant offering a large sushi menu, plus maki, traditional entrees & bento.

Marquee Deal!

Raise a Glass


413 1st St SW

Casual dining on burgers, BBQ & other bar food in an open tavern setting with live music & a patio.


413 1st St SW

Casual dining on burgers, BBQ & other bar food in an open tavern setting with live music & a patio.

Marquee Deal!

Have a group ticket? Show your MMT Ticket stub to receive 10% off your meal! Valid for one-time use only at participating restaurants.

Three Notch'd Brewing Co.

411 1st St SW

The food menu features traditional European foods like handmade sausages in traditional German, Polish, and English styles, as well as Belgian hand-cut fries, mussels, steak frites, and Polish pierogies.

Three Notch'd Brewing Co.

411 1st St SW

The food menu features traditional European foods like handmade sausages in traditional German, Polish, and English styles, as well as Belgian hand-cut fries, mussels, steak frites, and Polish pierogies.

Marquee Deal!

‍Have a group ticket? Show your MMT Ticket stub to receive 10% off your meal! Valid for one-time use only at participating restaurants.

Twisted Track Brewpub

523 Shenandoah Ave NW

In addition to hand crafted beer, we offer pub fare with yet another twist and a selection of wines, ciders and soft drinks – something for everyone.‍

Twisted Track Brewpub

523 Shenandoah Ave NW

In addition to hand crafted beer, we offer pub fare with yet another twist and a selection of wines, ciders and soft drinks – something for everyone.‍

Marquee Deal!

Have a group ticket? Show your MMT Ticket stub to receive 10% off your meal! Valid for one-time use only at participating restaurants.

Benny Marconi's

120 Campbell Ave SE

Serving huge slices of pizza in downtown Roanoke, VA. Established in 2012.

Benny Marconi's

120 Campbell Ave SE

Serving huge slices of pizza in downtown Roanoke, VA. Established in 2012.

Marquee Deal!


102 Market St SE

Buzzy dining room with a full wooden bar plating refined American cuisine such as lobster Alfredo.


102 Market St SE

Buzzy dining room with a full wooden bar plating refined American cuisine such as lobster Alfredo.

Marquee Deal!

Fork in the Market

32 Market Square SE

Quirky, independent eatery offering updated comfort food, a full bar, a patio & live music nightly.

Fork in the Market

32 Market Square SE

Quirky, independent eatery offering updated comfort food, a full bar, a patio & live music nightly.

Marquee Deal!

Texas Tavern

114 Church Ave SW

Family-owned since 1930, this 24/7 diner offers breakfast, burgers, sandwiches & its popular chili.

Texas Tavern

114 Church Ave SW

Family-owned since 1930, this 24/7 diner offers breakfast, burgers, sandwiches & its popular chili.

Marquee Deal!

While You Wait

With the help of our friends at, Marquee Digital has you covered with exclusive content while you wait for the curtain to rise.

Broadway's Amber Ardolino To Star As Céline Dion In TITANIQUE
Kobi Kassal
March 10, 2025

From Trisha Paytas to Céline Dion! Today it was announced that Broadway star Amber Ardolino will board the ship of dreams over at Titanique at the Daryl Roth Theatre in Union Square. Ardolino will begin as Dion on March 21, 2025; the current star Dee Roscioli will play her final performance on March 16. 

Ardolino was last seen on Broadway earlier this month in Trisha Paytas’ Big Broadway Dream at the St. James Theatre, and previously starred as Marcia Murphy in A Beautiful Noise. Other credits include Hamilton, and the original Broadway companies of Back to the Future, Funny Girl, Moulin Rouge and Head Over Heels.

The irresistibly funny and irreverent send-up of the blockbuster film Titanic, driven by the songs of pop icon Céline Dion, continues its splash-hit, extended run at the Daryl Roth Theatre in Union Square, where it recently celebrated its 1,000th performance in December. Ardolino joins a stellar cast including Grammy nominee & winner of NBC’s “The Voice” Cassadee Pope as Rose Dewitt Bukater, Screen Actors Guild nominee Max Jenkins as Jack Dawson, Screen Actors Guild Award-winning actor/comedian Lea DeLaria as Ruth Dewitt Bukater, Drama League Award nominee Andrew Keenan-Bolger as Victor Garber/Luigi, Drama Desk Award nominee Lisa Howard as The Unsinkable Molly Brown, Theatre World Award winner Callum Francis as Cal, Broadway favorite Kyle Ramar Freeman as The Iceberg, Rae Davenport, Sara Gallo, Tess Marshall, and Barnaby Reiter. On March 25, Cassidy Stoner joins the ensemble as a background vocalist.

James Graham’s PUNCH Will Head To Broadway Next Season
Kobi Kassal
March 10, 2025

Today it was announced that James Graham’s Punch will play the Samuel J. Friedman Theatre as part of Manhattan Theatre Club’s 2025-2026 season. Directed by Adam Penford, the production will play this fall on Broadway. 

Teenage Jacob spends his days tearing through Nottingham in a whirlwind of drugs, girls, and bar fights — but when he makes a fatal mistake, his life changes forever. As he copes with the consequences of his actions and strives to build a new life, he finds a powerful but precarious source of redemption: the parents of the boy he killed.

In addition, MTC has announced the world premiere of The Monsters, written and directed by Ngozi Anyanwu, which will open Off-Broadway at NY City Center in the winter of 2026. 

“All of us at Manhattan Theatre Club are thrilled to welcome the brilliant James Graham back to the Friedman Theatre, where our production of his play Inkreceived great acclaim in 2019,” said Lynne Meadow. “James’ fantastic new play Punch will be helmed by Adam Penford, who will make his Broadway and American debut as Director with the show. At City Center, we’re delighted to partner with Two River Theater to produce the world premiere of Ngozi Anyanwu’s The Monsters. We’ve been fans of Ngozi’s work for some time and are excited to bring her to MTC.”

Casting and production dates will be announced at a later time.

Jean Smart Will Head To Broadway Later This Spring In CALL ME IZZY
Alan Koolik
March 10, 2025

Broadway is about to get way more SMART. Today it was announced that six-time Emmy winner Jean Smart will return to Broadway in the world premiere of Call Me Izzy. A 12-week limited engagement at Studio 54 will be May 24 and run through August 17, 2025. An official opening night is set for June 12. 

Written by Jamie Wax and directed by Sarna Lapine, Call Me Izzy is a darkly comedic story about one woman in rural Louisiana who has a secret that is both her greatest gift and her only way out. It is a moving tour de force portrait of a woman who resists being silenced by embracing her tenacity, humor, and fiery imagination.

Jean Smart’s versatility as an actor transcends mediums and genres. From her Tony Award Nominated performance in The Man Who Came to Dinner opposite Nathan Lane, to her iconic TV roles as sweet, guileless Charlene on “Designing Women” and now her powerful, Emmy Award-winning performance as Deborah Vance in “Hacks”, Smart effortlessly shifts between comedy and drama. She made history with her 2021 Emmy Award win for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series for “Hacks”, joining Betty White as the only other actor to complete the comedy trifecta of having an Emmy in the Comedy Lead, Supporting and Guest categories. That win, along with several others for “Hacks”, has placed her in an elite group of actors who have swept all five major TV awards in a single television season — Emmys, Golden Globes, SAG Awards, Critics’ Choice Awards, and Television Critics Association. Jean Smart has been a part of several developmental readings of Call Me Izzy.

Tickets to Call Me Izzy will go on sale Tuesday, March 18 at 10:00am ET. Ticket buyers can register at for a special 24-hour pre-sale – launching Monday, March 17 at 10:00am ET.

Theatrely News
EXCLUSIVE: Watch A Clip From THEATER CAMP Starring Ben Platt, Noah Galvin, and Molly Gordon
Theatrely News
READ: An Excerpt From Sean Hayes Debut YA Novel TIME OUT
Theatrely News
"Reframing the COVID-19 Pandemic Through a Stage Manager’s Eyes"
EXCLUSIVE: Watch A Clip From THEATER CAMP Starring Ben Platt, Noah Galvin, and Molly Gordon
By: Maia Penzer
14 July 2023

Finally, summer has arrived, which can only mean one thing: it's time for camp! Theater Camp, that is. Theatrely has a sneak peak at the new film which hits select theaters today. 

The new original comedy starring Tony Award winner Ben Platt and Molly Gordon we guarantee will have you laughing non-stop. The AdirondACTS, a run-down theater camp in upstate New York, is attended by theater-loving children who must work hard to keep their beloved theater camp afloat after the founder, Joan, falls into a coma. 

The film stars Ben Platt and Molly Gordon as Amos Klobuchar and Rebecca-Diane, respectively, as well as Noah Galvin as Glenn Wintrop, Jimmy Tatro as Troy Rubinsky, Patti Harrison as Caroline Krauss, Nathan Lee Graham as Clive DeWitt, Ayo Edebiri as Janet Walch, Owen Thiele as Gigi Charbonier, Caroline Aaron as Rita Cohen, Amy Sedaris as Joan Rubinsky, and Alan Kim as Alan Park. 

Theater Camp was directed by Molly Gordon and Nick Lieberman and written by Noah Galvin, Molly Gordon, Nick Lieberman & Ben Platt. Music is by James McAlister and Mark Sonnenblick. On January 21, 2023, Theater Camp had its world premiere at the Sundance Film Festival.

You can purchase tickets to the new film from our friends at here.

READ: An Excerpt From Sean Hayes Debut YA Novel TIME OUT
By: Kobi Kassal
29 May 2023

Actor Sean Hayes is what we in the biz call booked and blessed. On top of his Tony-nominated performance as Oscar Levant in Good Night, Oscar, Hayes has partnered with Todd Milliner and Carlyn Greenwald for the release of their new YA novel Time Out

Heralded by many as Heartstopper meets Friday Night Lights, Time Out follows hometown basketball hero Barclay Elliot who decides to use a pep rally to come out to his school. When the response is not what he had hoped and the hostility continually growing, he turns to his best friend Amy who brings him to her voting rights group at school. There he finds Christopher and… you will just have to grab a copy and find out what happens next. Luckily for you, Time Out hits shelves on May 30 and to hold you over until then we have a special except from the book just for Theatrely:

The good thing about not being on the team the past two weeks has been that I’ve had time to start picking up shifts again at Beau’s diner and save up a little for college now that my scholarship dreams are over.

     The bad part is it’s the perfect place to see how my actions at the pep rally have rotted the townspeople’s brains too.

     During Amy’s very intense musical theater phase in middle school, her parents took her to New York City. And of course she came back home buzzing about Broadway and how beautiful the piss smell was and everything artsy people say about New York. But she also vividly described some diner she waited three hours to get into where the waitstaff would all perform songs for the customers as a way to practice for auditions. The regulars would have favorite staff members and stan them the way Amy stans all her emo musicians.

     Working at Beau’s used to feel kind of like that, like I was part of a performance team I didn’t know I signed up for. The job started off pretty basic over the summer—I wanted to save up for basketball supplies, and Amy worked there and said it was boring ever since her e-girl coworker friend graduated. But I couldn’t get through a single lunch rush table without someone calling me over and wanting the inside scoop on the Wildcats and how we were preparing for the home opener, wanting me to sign an article in the paper or take a photo. Every friendly face just made the resolve grow inside me. People love and support the Wildcats; they would do the same for me.

     Yeah, right.

     Now just like school, customers have been glaring at me, making comments about letting everyone down, about being selfish, about my actions being “unfortunate,” and the tips have been essentially nonexistent. The Wildcats have been obliterated in half their games since I quit, carrying a 2–3 record when last year we were 5–0, and the comments make my feet feel like lead weights I have to drag through every shift.

     Today is no different. It’s Thursday, the usual dinner rush at Beau’s, and I try to stay focused on the stress of balancing seven milkshakes on one platter. A group of regulars, some construction workers, keep loudly wondering why I won’t come back to the team while I refuse proper eye contact.

     One of the guys looks up at me as I drop the bill off. “So, what’s the deal? Does being queer keep ya from physically being able to play?”

     They all snicker as they pull out crumpled bills. I stuff my hands into my pockets, holding my tongue.

     When they leave, I hold my breath as I take their bill.

     Sure enough, no tip.

     “What the fuck?” I mutter under my breath.

     “Language,” Amy says as she glides past me, imitating the way Richard says it to her every shift, and adds, “even though they are dicks.” At least Amy’s been ranting about it every free chance she gets. It was one thing when the student body was being shitty about me leaving the team, but the town being like this is even more infuriating. She doesn’t understand how these fully grown adults can really care that much about high school basketball and thinks they need a new fucking hobby. I finally agree with her.

     [She’s wearing red lipstick to go with her raccoon-adjacent eyeliner as she rushes off to prepare milkshakes for a pack of middle schoolers. I catch her mid–death glare as all three of the kids rotate in their chairs, making the old things squeal. My anger fades a bit as I can’t help but chuckle; Amy’s pissed-off reaction to Richard telling her to smile more was said raccoon makeup, and her tolerance for buffoonery has been at a negative five to start and declining fast.

     I rest my arms on the counter and try not to look as exhausted as I feel.

     “Excuse me!” an old lady screeches, making me jump.

     Amy covers up a laugh as I head to the old lady and her husband’s table. They’ve got finished plates, full waters. Not sure what the problem is. Or I do, which is worse.

     “Yes?” I say trying to suppress my annoyance.

     “Could you be bothered to serve us?”

     Only five more hours on shift. I have a break in three minutes. I’ll be with Devin at Georgia Tech tomorrow. “I’m sorry, ma’am,” I say, so careful to keep my words even, but I can feel my hands balling into fists. “What would you—?”

     And suddenly Amy swoops in, dropping two mugs of coffee down. “Sorry about that, you two,” she says, her voice extra high. “The machine was conking out on us, but it’s fine now.”

     Once the coffee is down, she hooks onto a chunk of my shirt, steering us back to the bar.

     “Thanks,” I mutter, embarrassed to have forgotten something so basic. Again.

     “Just keep it together, man,” she says. “Maybe you’d be better off with that creepy night shift where all the truckers and serial killers come in.”

     Honestly, at least the serial killers wouldn’t care about my jump shot.

     It’s a few minutes before my break, but clearly I need it. “I’ll be in the back room.”

     Right before I can head that way though, someone straight-up bursts into the diner and rushes over to me at the bar. It’s a middle-aged dad type, sunburned skin, beer belly, and stained T-shirt.

     “Pickup order?” I ask.

     “You should be ashamed,” he sneers at me. He has a really strong Southern accent, but it’s not Georgian. “Think you’re so high and mighty, that nothing’ll ever affect you? My kid’ll never go to college because of you and your lifestyle. Fuck you, Barclay Ell—”

     And before this man can finish cursing my name, Pat of all people runs in, wide-eyed in humiliation. “Jesus, Dad, please don’t—”

      I pin my gaze on him, remembering how he cowered on the bench as Ostrowski went off, how he didn’t even try to approach me. “Don’t even bother,” I snap.

     I shove a to-go bag into his dad’s arms, relieved it’s prepaid, and storm off to the break room.]

     Amy finds me head in my arms a minute or two later. I look up, rubbing my eyes. “Please spare me the pity.”

     She snorts and hands me a milkshake. Mint chocolate chip. “Wouldn’t dare.” She takes a seat and rolls her shoulders and neck, cracks sounding through the tiny room. “Do you want a distraction or a shoulder to cry on?”

For more information, and to purchase your copy of Time Out, click here.

Reframing the COVID-19 Pandemic Through a Stage Manager’s Eyes
By: Kaitlyn Riggio
5 July 2022

When the COVID-19 pandemic was declared a national emergency in the United States in March 2020, Broadway veteran stage manager Richard Hester watched the nation’s anxiety unfold on social media.

“No one knew what the virus was going to do,” Hester said. Some people were “losing their minds in abject terror, and then there were some people who were completely denying the whole thing.”

For Hester, the reaction at times felt like something out of a movie. “It was like the Black Plague,” he said. “Some people thought it was going to be like that Monty Python sketch: ‘bring out your dead, bring out your dead.’”

While Hester was also unsure about how the virus would unfold, he felt that his “job as a stage manager is to naturally defuse drama.” Hester brought this approach off the stage and onto social media in the wake of the pandemic.

“I just sort of synthesized everything that was happening into what I thought was a manageable bite, so people could get it,” Hester said. This became a daily exercise for a year. Over two years after the beginning of the pandemic, Hester’s accounts are compiled in the book, Hold Please: Stage Managing A Pandemic. Released earlier this year, the book documents the events of the past two years, filtering national events and day-to-day occurrences through a stage manager’s eyes and storytelling.

When Hester started this project, he had no intention of writing a book. He was originally writing every day because there was nothing else to do. “I am somebody who needs a job or needs a structure,” Hester said.

Surprised to find that people began expecting his daily posts, he began publishing his daily writing to his followers through a Substack newsletter. As his following grew, Hester had to get used to writing for an audience. “I started second guessing myself a lot of the time,” Hester said. “It just sort of put a weird pressure on it.”

Hester said he got especially nervous before publishing posts in which he wrote about more personal topics. For example, some of his posts focused on his experiences growing up in South Africa while others centered on potentially divisive topics, such as the 2020 election and the January 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol.

Despite some of this discomfort, Hester’s more personal posts were often the ones that got the most response. The experience offered him a writing lesson. “I stopped worrying about the audience and just wrote what I wanted to write about,” Hester said. “All of that pressure that I think as artists we put on ourselves, I got used to it.”

One of Hester’s favorite anecdotes featured in the book centers on a woman who dances in Washington Square Park on a canvas, rain or shine. He said he was “mesmerized by her,” which inspired him to write about her. “It was literally snowing and she was barefoot on her canvas dancing, and that seems to me just a spectacularly beautiful metaphor for everything that we all try and do, and she was living that to the fullest.”

During the creation of Hold Please, Hester got the unique opportunity to reflect in-depth on the first year of the pandemic by looking back at his accounts. He realized that post people would not remember the details of the lockdown; people would “remember it as a gap in their lives, but they weren’t going to remember it beat by beat.”

“Reliving each of those moments made me realize just how full a year it was, even though none of us were doing anything outside,” he adds. “We were all on our couches.” Readers will use the book as a way to relive moments of the pandemic’s first year “without having to wallow in the misery of it,” he hopes.

“I talk about the misery of it, but that’s not the focus of what I wrote... it was about hope and moving forward,” Hester said. “In these times when everything is so difficult, we will figure out a way to get through and we will move forward.”



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