Escape to Margaritaville
Mill Mountain Theatre

Sam Saint Ours


Music Director, Keys, Guitar, Ukulele, Steel Pan

Sam is an Equity actor, instrumentalist, and music director from the Shenandoah Valley, and he is thrilled to be working on his third show at MMT! Past music directing and composing credits include Elf, Bright Star, Once, The Lightning Thief, and almost the entireity of Shakespeare's canon with multiple companies. Selected performing credits include three years and dozens of plays as a resident member at the American Shakespeare Center, the 2019 national tour of Once, and work with the Olney Theatre Center, Cape May Stage, Atlantic Theatre Co., and more. If he isn't at rehearsal, you can find Sam at any hour of the day walking his literal angel of a dog, Nona, around every nook and cranny of Roanoke, seeking out good frisbee spots and delicious vegan muffins. A lifelong parrothead, Sam owes a huge thank you to his mom for patiently attending every Jimmy Buffett "concert" that he, his brother, and neighbors forced her to sit through (which were literally just an hour of swaying and lip syncing to the discography of their favorite nautical muse, sometimes on a weekly basis). Further thanks go to the incredible band at MMT for welcoming Sam into one of his favorite teams over these past few months; his incredible siblings for always giving him a top tier example of bravery and love to aspire to; and his parents for, well, everything!!

Escape to Margaritaville
Mill Mountain Theatre